Dec 31, 2014

2014: The Year of Change

The view out my window today. The first snow of the winter season sure has made its presence known. 

Today is the last day of 2014. A year that I will always remember, and will reflect back on for a number of reasons. It's the year where I really started to discover myself and grow up. After a chapter in my life closed early in the year, a new chapter opened, and I've enjoyed writing each sentence. This year I've been blessed with so many things. I made this move up north and haven't regretted the decision once. Life isn't always perfect, and I feel that I've had too much heartache this year but I've learned that if you work hard enough and keep your chin up, good things will happen.

My adventures and wonderful memories this year have included

  • Trips to Salt Lake City, Vegas, Denver, the Grand Canyon and several trips to Tempe
  • Working at Salon Tru Blu for a few weeks until I got my first post grad job, and eventually becoming full time with benefits and PTO
  •  A new apartment that I've been able to decorate however I want. It is girly and I love everything about it. 
  • Getting Oskar and Olive back after being away for nearly 6 months
  • Visits from my grandparents, Christina, Priscilla and Michelle (thanks for coming up!) 
  • Lots of skype dates with April and Grandma
  • My first blind date (it was absolutely awful, but a memory. lol) 
  • Celebrating Christmas with my mom for the first time in four years
  • I gave myself a pretty sweet Thanksgiving/Christmas present of a brand new 2015 Toyota Corolla.

R.I.P My sweet Cody and Oskar

2014 you were a bitch, but you were also one of the best years of my life.

Dec 26, 2014

What I'm Watching: Netflix Documentaries

       1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Netflix has been on it's A game lately and I've been loving every minute of it. I recently finished How I Met Your Mother, and haven't started any new shows yet. Because of that I've been enjoying some of the many documentaries that Netflix has to offer. Some are hits and some are misses but these four above were enjoyable and interesting for a number of different reasons.

Alive Inside- This incredible documentary brought tears to my eyes for nearly the entire movie. It's about a man who goes into nursing homes and provides the residents with ipods that have some of their favorite songs put on it. The documentary does profiles of residents so you can see their behaviors on a daily basis, and then shows you what the music does; and boy does it change them. Residents who haven't walked or talked in months start to sing and dance, the music moves them in such a way. I texted my mom when I watched it and told her it was a must see and also plan on watching it with my grandma.

Advanced Style-A fun documentary that focuses on women over 65 or 70 and their eclectic style. I found it inspiring that like young women these senior citizens use the streets of New York as their own private runway.

Schooled: The Price of College Sports- What a stirring and eye opening documentary. I learned a lot of things about the NCAA that I had never known before, and that I would venture to say a lot of people don't know. I always naively assumed that student athletes received a stipend for playing sports at the University, because as a student government President I received a small but extremely helpful stipend each semester. I understand that they are considered 'amateurs' but what is most confusing is the large amount of revenue that they provide for the University (the staggering number are detailed in the documentary) and that they aren't able to make any commission off of that. I could go on and on about my thoughts on this documentary, but would absolutely recommend it to any college student, and alumni who want these players to win championships.  

Burt's Buzz-As a huge fan of the lip balm (I refuse to use anything else) I thought that this documentary would be interesting. It gives  you a look into Burt's lifestyle which is surprisingly just what we would all think it would be. He lives in a small home, not some lavish mansion and he's very private. In this documentary the most surprising thing for me was how his company came to produce it's large numbers and grow like it did. It wasn't the wish for Burt, but his power hungry wife (now ex) who made the company grow like it did. Overall, the documentary ended up being different than I thought it would be, as it focuses on Burt and his current lifestyle with a little bit of how the company came to be; but nonetheless it's still worthy of watching.

Dec 21, 2014


Rest in Peace my sweet Oskar


You were the sweetest cat, always loving and purring. You loved to play fetch with the small mice toys, you absolutely loved tuna/wet food, you were always happiest in my lap while I was on the computer, or curled up with Olive on the blanket near my legs. This year was rough, but you made it back home with me and I'm forever grateful for the time we had together. 

You left us entirely too soon, and you will not be forgotten. We love you.

Dec 3, 2014

Gift Guide: For Her

It's been too long since I've put together a mood board and I always love it when I do. A gift guide for the lady in your life.Who doesn't love a good book, cute accessories, the perfect lip balm, comfy feet, clean skin, and a fresh scent? 

Nov 29, 2014


I'm not really sure how it has been over a month since Denver. I think I've put off these posts because I'm dying to go back to that short weekend. The food, drinks, streets, sights, bars, so much fun. Just looking at these pictures makes me want to hop on that short plane ride again and take in the city for a second time.

Oct 15, 2014

Currently: Pumpkins and Gone Girl

follow along at @alexisandher on instagram 

The weather has officially started to cool off and I'm loving my first fall outside of southern Arizona. The leaves are changing and I'm starting to bust out long sleeved tops and cardigans and can't wait for some scarves and beanies. My favorite season will always be summer, but a close second is definitely fall. I love the candles at bath and body works: leaves and pumpkin pecan waffles (seriously go buy them now). Pumpkins are finally everywhere, all over grocery stores, instagram and in our drinks. It's a wonderful feeling, even though I'm not that big of a fan of the flavor and can't wait for the more exciting flavor for winter: peppermint. Gone girl tickets!!! For more on that see below. Denver Microbrew Tour Tickets that arrived in the mail a few days ago. I leave for Denver on Saturday for a quick girls trip with Christina and Priscilla. I plan on taking my heavy duty camera for some pictures, and am excited for a getaway that will require only shopping, sight seeing, and drinking some beer. Lastly, a selfie with my new haircut and yes I'm aware you can't see the cut, but it has layers and holds curls and I'm a happy girl.

Now for some Gone Girl talk

When I finished the book this summer I immediately wanted to gush about the entire book to everyone I knew and anyone who was curious about it. The book is SO good, but so hard to describe because there are so many small details that are so important. Well as we all know the movie came out two weeks ago and I waited to write a review so I could do a book/movie combo. First off, I thought that the casting was perfect. I can't think of anyone else who would have fit better or anyone that I was upset to see. I was really happy they went with Rosamund Pike over other choices. I don't know who was in the running but from Google images it looks like Reese Witherspoon was a hot pick and I'm so thankful it wasn't her. Ben Affleck is great for the "has always had it easy handsome, clueless husband" and other supporting roles were on point.

I was surprised by how well the movie followed the book. People often complain that there are so many differences but I didn't feel that that was the case with Gone Girl. Although that is not to say that portions or characters weren't missing, I just didn't think it was an issue come movie time. Ah! And now that's all that I feel I can say, too many details and so much to love. I have now seen it twice, once with my mom who read the book and once with a friend who hadn't and it was great both times. I obviously caught more details the second time, and only left the theater thinking how great it was. If you're looking for a great read or a great movie, pick this bad boy up!

Oct 2, 2014

Twenty Four

I didn't think it would feel different to celebrate my birthday this year...I guess I shouldn't say that. I knew it would be different, I would be alone, or at least I thought I would. For the few days before and after my birthday I was surrounded by my wonderful family, co-workers and friends. I was reminded that I am definitely NOT alone, and that there are so many people that care about me. It started with lots of early morning phone calls and texts, two beautiful flower deliveries at work (making it so much easier to work on my birthday), cupcakes and food provided by co-workers, dinner with my mom and step-dad, and ending with one of my favorite weekends so far in Tempe with the girls above; who treated me to dancing, drinks, makeup, cat poem books, chocolate covered cheesecake and the best bundt cake money can buy (do these girls know me or what?)

If this birthday is a taste of what my 24th year is going to be...I may never want it to end!!

Sep 11, 2014

Boss Lady

That's right I said it. After months of working hard and putting in 50+ hour work weeks I've been promoted to management at work and finally have my first real 'full time, benefits, paid time off' job. What a relief! And you know what? I did it all on my own. I've had a rough year, and this moment feels so great, I haven't stopped smiling since I got the call :)  

Sep 6, 2014

Happy Birthday Mom!

Last weekend we celebrated my wonderful mom and her birthday; this year was so special because I was able to see her on her day and to spoil her today with a mani/pedi. Now that I'm closer to her I appreciate all the time we have together and everything that we are able to do. This picture was taken on our trip to Chicago in 2012, it was our first mother daughter trip and I'm anxious for our next. We explored, laughed and took some amazing pictures. It was a trip I know I will never forget.
Happy Birthday Mom, I love you more than you know, and am grateful for you, and our close relationship everyday!!

Aug 29, 2014

The Grand Canyon

This past week my grandparents came to visit and we made the trek north to the Grand Canyon. This visit was exciting for a number of reasons; my grandparents were able to see my apartment decorated and in place (when they dropped off the cats there was only a bed and boxes), I was finally able to show my grandma the Raven and catch up over some coffee, and the three of us were able to relax and just be together, like old times. The weather was absolutely perfect for their entire visit, and the natural lighting surrounding the canyon made for some frame-worthy pictures. I can't wait for my grandparents to visit again, and to see what adventure we go on next!

Photo Credit: The 5th, 8th, 10th and 11th picture were taken by my grandma. Such great pictures, thanks for letting me share them grandma!

Jul 21, 2014


I've been away from Bisbee for some time now, and am so grateful to have had the opportunity to live there. I grew so much and learned so many valuable lessons about love, friendship and what it really means to be happy. I miss the small town, but am thankful that I've taken my leap and am starting to grow somewhere new.

I love you Bisbee, always have, and always will.

Jul 12, 2014

Grandparent Lottery

It's been a few weeks since my grandparents came to visit; and I've been missing them since the moment they left. I can honestly say without a doubt that I won the grandparent lottery. I'm so blessed to have two individuals in my life that give me so much in so many different ways. They came to bring me Oskar and Olive but also came to see my new place and hang around Prescott. These past few months have been the longest that I've ever been away from my grandparents, and it's been a lot harder than I thought it would be. I know these changes are a part of growing up, but that doesn't necessarily make them easier. I love you grandma and grandpa more than you know, and can't wait to see you both again.

Jun 9, 2014

Cat Got Your Tongue?

In celebration of getting my cats back today, I wanted to share some of the top items on my wishlist that focus on my favorite felines. Modcloth and Rifle Paper Co are dead on with their items, and I can't help but get really excited about all of this stuff. Hope you all had a fun Monday, now excuse me while I get some long awaited (3 months!!) time with Oskar and Olive! <3

Jun 2, 2014

my life lately

This picture (circa 2010) is for a happy belated birthday to the best brother a girl could ask for. I love you!! 

Things have been an absolute whirlwind around here lately (seriously I didn't post at all in May!?!), but things are really looking up! I celebrated two graduations, one for one of my best friends Christina, and one for my half sister Heather. I signed a lease for a new place (should get my babies back in a week!) and work has been fantastic! It's always funny when things work out, especially when you can't help but stress over the small details. The quote "It always seems impossible until it's done" from Nelson Mandela has been with me this past month because it is so true; and honestly I feel like I'm kicking ass and taking names! Watch out world, here I come!

Apr 26, 2014

What I'm Watching

TV has really been hitting some high notes lately; and I'm loving every minute of it. I'm behind the bandwagon a bit for girls and breaking bad, but that doesn't bother me besides constantly trying to avoid spoilers/people who've seen it all.

The Following: This show is SO good, so violent, but so damn good. The Following is a crime thriller, that draws people in with it's twisted ideology and detailed killings. The second season has a different focus (no spoilers here!) but it hasn't disappointed. I've never been a huge Kevin Bacon fan (hollow man scared the crap out of me) but I've been able to tolerate him thanks to the evil, and super sexy Joe Carroll. ;) also here is a link to Kevin Bacon's entrance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, I may just have to give him a second chance because he's still got those moves!

Girls: Because I am at the point in my life where as a recent grad I'm contemplating why on earth I went to college, girls fits right into this funky: I'm still learning and growing up, but I've been catapulted into the adult world and am expected to stay afloat portion of my life. I've always enjoyed Sex and the City, but because I'm in my early twenties it hasn't always been the most...relatable, so I appreciate the honesty and quirky nature in girls. I find myself too often laughing at the characters because I've either said or thought exactly the same thing.      

Breaking Bad: Although I'm behind on this bandwagon, I've been chucking along with season two in hopes that it will continue to pick up like everyone says it will. Aaron Paul is extremely convincing in his drug induced paranoia, and I like that the characters seem real, almost like people you could really know. I'm sure that was the point, but it's nice to see it done. It's also interesting to see a show set in New Mexico, where the scenery is so similar to the Arizona desert. I'm enjoying it right now, but really hope it picks up soon.

The Walking Dead:  The season finale was a few weeks ago and I still haven't recovered from the thought that I have to wait all summer to see another episode. This show has been great from the beginning, and I'm happy that they have been able to keep it going. I am curious as to when we will get new info (what happened...are there more people?) but for now I am along for the ride!

Any good tv shows that I need to check out? Let me know, I'm excited to see what else is out there! 

Apr 3, 2014

Shoe Envy at ModCloth

I've been a fan of ModCloth for some time now, and I am well aware of their on point vintage inspired dresses and modern items that can be mixed and matched with ease. Until now I had never really taken the time to explore the shoe section on their site, and boy have I been missing out! The styles below are some of my favorites (especially 4 and 7), I love how a bright or eye-catching shoe can spice up an outfit and really make it special! Happy Friday! 

Apr 2, 2014

What's In My: Makeup Bag

I thought it would be fun to mix things up and share a glimpse into my makeup bag. The items shown above are daily items; I don't have a crazy makeup routine but do like to mix in fun eye shadows/lip colors when I can. Overall, my makeup comes from Target and Ulta, which is great because I like that I can mix my high and low items, and can maintain my daily look without breaking the bank.

Clockwise From Top Left:

Covergirl Lash Blast Mascara, Bare Minerals Lash Domination Mascara, Revlon Eye Lash Curler, Sephora Bronzer, Highlighter, Blush Combo, Covergirl Concealer, Covergirl Perfect Blend Eyeliner, Bare Minerals Brush (comes with intro kit), Eye brow pencil, Bare Minerals powder in matte, High Beam (a recent discovery, that I LOVE).

I plan to share more what's in my... posts. If there is something in particular you'd like to see let me know!

Mar 30, 2014

Driving Home

Do you ever drive home and wonder how you got there? You were so deep in thought while you were driving, and now can't remember if you stopped at stop signs. Did you cut people off unknowingly? You have no idea, but you are safe and home. March was a busy month, and one where this seemed to happen more often than not. I've been thinking so much lately about everything, family, friends, people I've left, and the ones I'm bound to meet, my cats, the home I've left and where I find myself now. I've spent a good amount of time alone, and it has been both wonderful and awful. I've explored a little, and read a lot, I've doodled and typed, and tried to figure things out. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it will all work out, and that, every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.

Mar 25, 2014

15 Before the Next: Halfway There!

Holy Cow!! Time has gone by so quickly that I didn't realize I'm halfway to my 24th birthday and haven't really taken the time to look at my list!! Time for a recap!

1. Do a 3 day weekend somewhere we both have never been before-Brandon and I hit Salt Lake, but I'm looking forward to making a trip to a new city in the next few months.  
2. Buy a new car (doesn't have to be new, just new to me)  
3. Donate 12-15 inches of hair to Locks of Love- Hair is getting long, and I should be able to do this by summer time. 
4. Do the 100's at a 45 degree angle. 
5. Throw a dinner party-we threw a Superbowl party....does that count? Maybe when I get an apartment I'll throw a housewarming/welcome home kitties party   
6. Make beef bourguignon Julia Child style (a repeat from last year, because I want to do it!) 
7. Get my next tattoo- I've started looking at some drawings for the next one, just trying to decide where I want it.  
8. Apply for Grad School 
9. Go to Disneyland-no plans yet, but I'm really hoping this happens
10. Learn to French Braid my hair- Guess I should get on this before I chop it all off. I haven't learned french but I have been doing 'maiden braids' and they are pretty darn cute!  
11. Go to a movie (in the Theater) at least every six weeks-saw Frozen with April, but haven't seen anything since...any good movies coming out? 
12. Eat Sushi 12 times 
13. Volunteer at least one weekend every month
14. Attend blog conferences, take more pictures, and grow this blog-attended Alt in January, and am trying to post/take pictures more. 
15. Obtain full-time employment and get ahead-just got the news that I got a job up in my new area!! It isn't full time but I'm hoping it will become full time soon. 

Even though I haven't paid a lot of attention to this list recently, it's so exciting to be accountable for goals/dreams that are important to me! Self love and discovery are such beautiful things and should always be a priority. 

Mar 23, 2014


Reading: About half way through Labor Day, and hoping to finish it in the next few days. And I just picked up Where'd You Go, Bernadette? after reading some great reviews after featuring it in my Dreaming of Hawaii Outfit Inspiration

Listening To: Lots of Kelly Clarkson, Adele, and Katy Perry. Lots of girl power to get me through this funky time.

Watching: Just finished getting caught up on The Walking Dead, and am excited to watch it in real time with my mom and Jeff tonight.

Missing: I'm missing a lot of different things, but I have been thinking about my grandparents (pictured above), Mr Oskar and Miss Olivia a lot these past few days. I'm such an emotional person as it is, but being away from familiar people/animals/surroundings can take its toll.

Eating/Drinking: I tried out the Raven Cafe yesterday afternoon for the first time and was pleasantly surprised to find that they have a fantastic...dare I say the best!?... iced caramel latte. I will definitely be taking my mom back in the next week!

And finally, a link that made me laugh a lot harder than it should have, and for that reason deserves to be shared!

Mar 17, 2014

Spring is Coming

I just ordered this beautiful dress and wanted to put an outfit together to get me even more pumped about it arriving in the mail! I imagine going to a museum in it, or out by the square downtown. I love the clean silhouette and flattering color/stripes, it is so versatile and perfect for springtime!

Clockwise From Top Left: Dress, Sunglasses, Let the Great World Spin, Makeup Compact, BKR Waterbottle in Chip, Meow Phone Case, Tote Bag, Shoes

Mar 15, 2014

March 15th

Today is March 15th, and I had a lot of plans for today...

Today Brandon and I would have celebrated being engaged for two years
Today I was planning on posting our amazing engagement pictures
Today we would have reminisced about our first trip to Seattle...and would have probably planned another
Today we probably would have gone to Cafe Roka, and had a romantic dinner
Tonight I would have gone to bed happy and content


Today I'm trying to focus on the good that will come from this drastic change.
Today I'm eating a huge amount of junk food and drinking pre-made mudslides
Today I'm talking to friends who lift me higher than the clouds and who remind me of all the good in the world
Today I'm going to smile even if I'm hurting on the inside
Tonight I'm going to watch catching fire with my mom and Jeff...and I will go to bed happy and content

Tomorrow is a new day.

Mar 9, 2014

Letting Go

These past two weeks have been a whirlwind, and even though I knew they would go fast, I didn't expect to find myself here so soon.

Brandon and I decided to go our separate ways Valentine's Day weekend. It was one of the hardest decisions we've ever had to make as a couple, but one that we both agreed on...It's odd when breakups are mutual. Past relationships have allowed me to disassociate myself because I didn't want that person in my life, and knew I wouldn't see them again. With Brandon it's the exact opposite. I want him to do well, and to succeed and I hope to be in the loop and to be able to celebrate his successes with and for him, because we have celebrated so many successes as a couple.

Ever since I met Brandon he has wanted to move back to Seattle, and initially I had promised that after I was done with school we would move and start a new life. We vacationed there, and trip after trip he made me fall in love with the city; I even toured the University of Washington in hopes of being accepted to the Museology program. But in the end, I didn't end up keeping my promise, and have my reasons for not wanting to move to the Pacific Northwest. This hard realization came and although we tried to be honest, we danced around the topic for too long; and Brandon said that he needed to go.

Although I do not see myself in Seattle now, I didn't want Brandon to stay in Arizona and resent me for staying. I want him to go, I want him to be happy like he says he will be when he gets there. I want him to do the things he wants and to grow as an individual.

As for now, I have left our small town of Bisbee for an area with opportunities (and a Trader Joe's!) in hopes that I can start fresh and that we can both focus on what we need to focus on, to get where we want to get.

This time has revealed so many things that I have been thinking of for so long. I've been supported by so many wonderful people and have seen the true dark faces of a few. The decision to leave was not easy, but with each passing day I know that it was what needed to happen. I feel vulnerable and alone without my small family, I think about how 'perfect' my life was and how in less than a month things have changed....but time will reveal a brighter tomorrow. Oskar and Olive are with Brandon for now, I have some time before he leaves to get an apartment so that they can come be with me. I'm excited for the future, and for some personal discovery, I now have the opportunity to better myself in ways that I've always wanted and that is pretty darn exciting if you ask me!  

A final note: I was inspired by a fellow blogger who wrote daily about her entire first marriage and her eventual divorce, and was faced with questions of what her blog would become. Like her, I will not delete any pictures or posts of Brandon. The last three years are a part of my story and who I am, and I have no reason to hide them.

Feb 17, 2014

Product Review: Almay Eye Makeup Remover Pads

When I was younger I loved to experiment with new makeup, hair care and face products. I was always on the hunt for the perfect product at the perfect price. I wear a lot of eye makeup and have always struggled with finding the right face wash and even more importantly eye makeup remover. Two products that I have used recently have been better than most high end brands I've used and are cheap! I thought I would share a quick review with some pros and cons for each; and at the end I'll give my bottom line and the one I would recommend!

Almay Oil Free Gentle Eye Makeup Remover Pads:
  • Pros 
    • Nice Scent, 
    • Oil Free so they aren't greasy, and they don't leave a residue at all  
    • Hypoallergenic
  • Cons
    • I use one pad per eye because it doesn't remove the makeup with just one. 
    • It requires a good amount of scrubbing/rubbing your eye
    • I've only spotted these bad boys at Target, so if I forget them on a trip I'm screwed. 

Almay Longwear and Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover Pads:

  • Pros 
    • Quickly removes my makeup with little scrubbing/rubbing 
    • Hypoallergenic
  • Cons 
    • GREASY and it's bad. I tried most everything to get rid of the residue that was left even after washing my face and nothing seemed to work 
    • Odd smell, it's not terrible but definitely not as pleasant as it could be 
    • Like the Oil Free I've only spotted them at Target

Bottom Line: I wear waterproof mascara and eyeliner and would rather scrub my eye a little more with a pleasant scent than be left with residue for days. Oil Free is a must have in my opinion!

I hope you enjoyed this review. If you have tried any makeup removers that also work great and you love; please share them, I'd love to try them out.

Feb 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Project

My friend Kat approached me last week and asked if I would like to do a Valentine's Day craft for our guys. She sent me a link to a project she had seen on Pinterest, and after falling in love with it, we decided to do it this past Wednesday.

Supplies Needed: Light bulbs (any size you like), Red Wire, a block of wood (ours have holes in them but in the original project she glued them on the block), pliers, paper, pen, old towel, and red push pins or in our case red rhinestones.

First you break the bottom out of the light bulb, make sure you lie your towel down because it gets messy. I learned that it's easiest if you remove the pin (if you look at the bottom you'll see it) and then just tap the black part with your pliers until it starts to break. You have to balance being gentle and using enough pressure at this point or the project will take a long time! After this you can use anything to break it up more and remove the pieces. We used a cocktail mixer, and it was the best tool!

Next you need to take the wire and make hearts. You can make whatever size or shape of heart, but do note that later you have to push it through the little hole you just created at the bottom of the light bulb, so we kept ours tall and skinny.

At this point you can also write the message to your loved one, and attach it to the block. We used modge podge here and it worked perfectly. Once the paper was dry we added decorative red rhinestones to the edges.

The finished product! When assembling all of the pieces together we used modge podge (in place of a glue gun) to hold the hearts up straight while we screwed our bulbs in. Try and let the modge podge dry mostly before you screw the bulb on, I moved mine too quickly and my heart is not straight (it adds character).

Hope you've enjoyed this project and be sure to check out the original project on Design Sponge

Feb 12, 2014

Dreaming of Hawaii

I've been dreaming of Hawaii for some time now. I think of lounging on the beach, the Pearl Harbor historic sites, fruity cocktails, and luaus. Brandon and I talk about honeymooning there, but if time and money allowed I'd love to go before then! These items are sure to make the vacation even more relaxing and stylish!

Clockwise From Top Left: HatTumbleweeds Handcraft SunglassesChunky Cherry Clinique Chubby StickPink About It Essie Nail ColorSandalsSwimsuitWhere'd You Go, Bernadette BookClinique SPF 50 Sunscreen

Feb 9, 2014

Altitude Summit: A Reflection

This post has taken me a lot longer than I thought it would, and the blame for that is my fear of saying something that will offend someone...somewhere. Like any experience there were a lot of wonderful moments and things that I would have changed. I've asked myself a number of times 'did I expect too much?' I honestly didn't know what would be coming my way but my expectations were high. I tried to join the bandwagon by instagraming my weekly sponsor gifts, reading the Alt Blog and other blogs of people I expected to see there, and by commenting on pictures/facebook etc. trying to make conversation. I expected to make a ton of new friends at Alt, to be surrounded by funny extroverts, to have cheeks sore from smiling, informative classes, and answers to the millions of questions running around in my head.

I walked away with lots of fun pictures, a few new friends, lots of goodies and some notes. Brandon continued to ask me throughout the trip if I was having fun, and at times I was having the time of my life, while other times I felt like I was a Freshman in college trying to get into an elite sorority. I joked with Brandon after the first day that I hadn't known what to expect...but that what was happening definitely wasn't it. So many bloggers came with one another; making it difficult to strike up a conversation, some seemed so genuinely nice while others only had time for sponsors and schmoozing. I had a few run ins with bloggers that I follow and love, one experience left me wanting to blog my heart out, while the other solidified my thoughts that she was just in it for all of the followers. I'll honestly say that if it weren't for me meeting Marissa from Practical Punch at the Green Party, I would have probably skipped most of the second day.

After coming home friends and family wanted to know if my blogging adventure was worth it and I have to honestly say I'm still on the fence. If you have the extra funds to go, do it! If you have to reach deep into your savings to fund it...I would think twice. Alt Summit also has three other events Alt NYC, Alt SF, and Alt Everyone. I would check out one of those out if you're interesting in taking the plunge! There were so many things at Alt SLC that were wonderful, but throughout the event I couldn't help but take note of how many things I would have changed, and what changes would have made me more comfortable or enjoy it more.

Some things that I did love: 
  • The attention to detail, each room and event was carefully put together and you could tell that some careful consideration was taken when thinking of colors, props, and lighting, and the hotel was absolutely INSANE. (imagine the Titanic)
  • The business cards 
  • Meeting some really down to earth women who share my common interests
  • The lounges
  • Photographers taking pictures of every detail! (Took some pressure off, so I could focus on the millions of other things going on) 
Things I would have changed or added:
  • More focus on building relationships with bloggers in your state. I think that meeting people from New York is awesome, but I can't call them up and have coffee. Having a dinner or time blocked for meeting people from your state would have made a huge difference for me. 
  • More informative classes...I took the "A" classes which are for beginner bloggers, which I am, and almost all of the information was common sense. I didn't want to take any advance classes for fear that it would go over my head, but now I regret it. 
  • More info sooner, maybe I didn't start reading the blog early enough but I would have loved some emails about the event right when I registered. I was so pumped but then didn't get emails so I started getting nervous 
  • A little less going on at the same time..there was so much going on that you miss so many things if you aren't running around. I now know that if I attend next year the classes are less important, and the lounges/outside venues are where it is at. 
Overall, Alt SLC was an experience, and that was what I wanted. I learned some things about myself and about this blogging world. I've shared a few photos in this post and they were all taken by the photographers at Alt. More pictures are available to view at their Flickr page. (I was a naughty blogger and didn't take any pictures with my DSLR even though it was in my bag...oops! To see my personal pictures you can check out my Instagram!)