Feb 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Project

My friend Kat approached me last week and asked if I would like to do a Valentine's Day craft for our guys. She sent me a link to a project she had seen on Pinterest, and after falling in love with it, we decided to do it this past Wednesday.

Supplies Needed: Light bulbs (any size you like), Red Wire, a block of wood (ours have holes in them but in the original project she glued them on the block), pliers, paper, pen, old towel, and red push pins or in our case red rhinestones.

First you break the bottom out of the light bulb, make sure you lie your towel down because it gets messy. I learned that it's easiest if you remove the pin (if you look at the bottom you'll see it) and then just tap the black part with your pliers until it starts to break. You have to balance being gentle and using enough pressure at this point or the project will take a long time! After this you can use anything to break it up more and remove the pieces. We used a cocktail mixer, and it was the best tool!

Next you need to take the wire and make hearts. You can make whatever size or shape of heart, but do note that later you have to push it through the little hole you just created at the bottom of the light bulb, so we kept ours tall and skinny.

At this point you can also write the message to your loved one, and attach it to the block. We used modge podge here and it worked perfectly. Once the paper was dry we added decorative red rhinestones to the edges.

The finished product! When assembling all of the pieces together we used modge podge (in place of a glue gun) to hold the hearts up straight while we screwed our bulbs in. Try and let the modge podge dry mostly before you screw the bulb on, I moved mine too quickly and my heart is not straight (it adds character).

Hope you've enjoyed this project and be sure to check out the original project on Design Sponge

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