Dec 31, 2014

2014: The Year of Change

The view out my window today. The first snow of the winter season sure has made its presence known. 

Today is the last day of 2014. A year that I will always remember, and will reflect back on for a number of reasons. It's the year where I really started to discover myself and grow up. After a chapter in my life closed early in the year, a new chapter opened, and I've enjoyed writing each sentence. This year I've been blessed with so many things. I made this move up north and haven't regretted the decision once. Life isn't always perfect, and I feel that I've had too much heartache this year but I've learned that if you work hard enough and keep your chin up, good things will happen.

My adventures and wonderful memories this year have included

  • Trips to Salt Lake City, Vegas, Denver, the Grand Canyon and several trips to Tempe
  • Working at Salon Tru Blu for a few weeks until I got my first post grad job, and eventually becoming full time with benefits and PTO
  •  A new apartment that I've been able to decorate however I want. It is girly and I love everything about it. 
  • Getting Oskar and Olive back after being away for nearly 6 months
  • Visits from my grandparents, Christina, Priscilla and Michelle (thanks for coming up!) 
  • Lots of skype dates with April and Grandma
  • My first blind date (it was absolutely awful, but a memory. lol) 
  • Celebrating Christmas with my mom for the first time in four years
  • I gave myself a pretty sweet Thanksgiving/Christmas present of a brand new 2015 Toyota Corolla.

R.I.P My sweet Cody and Oskar

2014 you were a bitch, but you were also one of the best years of my life.

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