Oct 2, 2014

Twenty Four

I didn't think it would feel different to celebrate my birthday this year...I guess I shouldn't say that. I knew it would be different, I would be alone, or at least I thought I would. For the few days before and after my birthday I was surrounded by my wonderful family, co-workers and friends. I was reminded that I am definitely NOT alone, and that there are so many people that care about me. It started with lots of early morning phone calls and texts, two beautiful flower deliveries at work (making it so much easier to work on my birthday), cupcakes and food provided by co-workers, dinner with my mom and step-dad, and ending with one of my favorite weekends so far in Tempe with the girls above; who treated me to dancing, drinks, makeup, cat poem books, chocolate covered cheesecake and the best bundt cake money can buy (do these girls know me or what?)

If this birthday is a taste of what my 24th year is going to be...I may never want it to end!!

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