Jun 2, 2014

my life lately

This picture (circa 2010) is for a happy belated birthday to the best brother a girl could ask for. I love you!! 

Things have been an absolute whirlwind around here lately (seriously I didn't post at all in May!?!), but things are really looking up! I celebrated two graduations, one for one of my best friends Christina, and one for my half sister Heather. I signed a lease for a new place (should get my babies back in a week!) and work has been fantastic! It's always funny when things work out, especially when you can't help but stress over the small details. The quote "It always seems impossible until it's done" from Nelson Mandela has been with me this past month because it is so true; and honestly I feel like I'm kicking ass and taking names! Watch out world, here I come!

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