Nov 30, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

^ This is exactly how we felt after eating all of the turkey and goodies! ^
^Oskar looking mighty handsome! So relieved that his dental fiasco and two weeks of antibiotics are DONE! ^

Thanksgiving this year was harder than most. We celebrated it with a small and intimate group of family and friends; but it was the people who weren't there that had the biggest impact on me.  I am thankful for so much, but this Thanksgiving was a reminder of all of the things I have taken for granted in the past.

Our morning was filled with volunteering for our local Salvation Army; our task for the morning was to serve desserts and make to-go boxes. At first Brandon was reluctant to go (because I volunteered us without asking) but after signing in and seeing the families light up at the food, he looked at me and told me that he was happy that we had decided to do it. The whole morning was really heartwarming, and served as a reminder as to how lucky Brandon and I truly are. We have our months that are tight, and sometimes we are disappointed when we can't do/get something we want; but we have a roof over our heads, food in our mouths, clothes on our back, and wonderful supportive families. What more could we want or need?

After volunteering we headed to my grandparent's house; where we had my grandparents, my aunts, uncle, and cousins, our long time family friend Linda, Brandon and myself. A small group, but still really nice. Brandon and I ate more than we should have and he spent the rest of the night 'resting his eyes'. The day was also special because we celebrated my grandpa's birthday. His birthday falls on Thanksgiving every so often, and you can really tell that he is happiest when it does. Brandon and I were so happy to celebrate it with him, and the family! Happy Birthday Grandpa!

The day was a great reminder of how blessed we are, and a reminder to not take things or people for granted.

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