Nov 14, 2013



The picture is fitting because when my days are filled to the brim and I'm running low on sleep I have to keep reminding myself that I've got this!

Reading: No good books recently, but I have been reading some great material for my class; we just finished up Women's Rights, which is a topic that I really enjoy. I read The Feminine Mystique when I first met Brandon (he fell asleep when I read it to him), and after finishing this module for class, I'm thinking that I may read it again and see what I think now.

Listening To: I am currently interning for the Bisbee Mining Museum, my job as an intern is to listen to a set number of oral histories and transcribe them. The stories vary, some are about the mining, some are focused on ranching, or a childhood spend during the booming days. I am currently behind (considering I have 6 weeks of school left), but I have grown to love listening to each story, I've laughed, cried and shared shock with many stories. It's so interesting and beneficial to learn about the town/city you live in. In my opinion nothing beats having a little bit of knowledge and connection with the history of the town that you live in.

Watching: Dare I say: CABLE!!! Brandon and I finally joined the 21st century and got cable. Needless to say our overall productivity has plummeted. HGTV has always been a love of mine, but after living without it for nearly 3 years I have a newfound appreciation (read: obsession) for it! It sometimes bums me out that we are renting (because I have so many new ideas) but the shows are so amazing for easy ideas and fixes that make things totally different.

Eating/Drinking: Eating every piece of junk food I can get my hands on. With increased stress of the end of a semester and the holidays, I find myself drinking insane amounts of hot chocolate, and finding every reason not to cook. Making efforts to change that, but we'll see how the next 6 weeks plays out ;)

Getting Excited For: My mom is coming to visit this weekend and we already have a fun mother-daughter Friday night planned. I can't wait! :)

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