Nov 12, 2013

I'm Thankful For: Brandon

Every year when November comes around you see a change in the people around you. Suddenly the weather has cooled, and people have slowed down. People talk about what they are thankful for, and smile at the small joys in life.

I love November, mostly because I love this new found change. I love that people gather, to share food, and talk about things that are wonderful. It's not a time for wishing, or comparing. It's a time for sharing, and smiling.

This year I am feeling so thankful for so many things. I've decided that I want to take some time this month and really talk about what I am thankful for and why; starting with the love of my life.

Brandon and I have been together almost 3 years. Time truly flies when you are having fun! In the time that we have been together, we have experienced so much. I love to think of all the memories we have made, and how we have grown as a couple and as individuals. It excites me to think of all the things that lay ahead of us and the memories that we will make. Brandon continues to make me feel loved, and appreciated everyday. He tells me that I'm kind and that I'm smart, he tells me I look great when we run out to the store and I have no makeup on. He surprises me with flowers, my favorite tea, and cards that make me cry (tears of joy). He is there, and knows when I need him to just listen, and when I'm frustrated he knows when to say "I love you" or "Screw it/them, it isn't worth your time" His honesty and simple nature make him easy to love and even easier to appreciate.

Brandon makes me laugh every single day, several times a day. Whether it is a funny face he makes, or a voice that he does; it's always something new, and it never fails to make my day. I'm so thankful that Brandon isn't shy around me, and makes me laugh hard and smile so much that my cheeks hurt.

I love you Brandon, more than you'll ever know; and I'm thankful for you every day!

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