Nov 30, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

^ This is exactly how we felt after eating all of the turkey and goodies! ^
^Oskar looking mighty handsome! So relieved that his dental fiasco and two weeks of antibiotics are DONE! ^

Thanksgiving this year was harder than most. We celebrated it with a small and intimate group of family and friends; but it was the people who weren't there that had the biggest impact on me.  I am thankful for so much, but this Thanksgiving was a reminder of all of the things I have taken for granted in the past.

Our morning was filled with volunteering for our local Salvation Army; our task for the morning was to serve desserts and make to-go boxes. At first Brandon was reluctant to go (because I volunteered us without asking) but after signing in and seeing the families light up at the food, he looked at me and told me that he was happy that we had decided to do it. The whole morning was really heartwarming, and served as a reminder as to how lucky Brandon and I truly are. We have our months that are tight, and sometimes we are disappointed when we can't do/get something we want; but we have a roof over our heads, food in our mouths, clothes on our back, and wonderful supportive families. What more could we want or need?

After volunteering we headed to my grandparent's house; where we had my grandparents, my aunts, uncle, and cousins, our long time family friend Linda, Brandon and myself. A small group, but still really nice. Brandon and I ate more than we should have and he spent the rest of the night 'resting his eyes'. The day was also special because we celebrated my grandpa's birthday. His birthday falls on Thanksgiving every so often, and you can really tell that he is happiest when it does. Brandon and I were so happy to celebrate it with him, and the family! Happy Birthday Grandpa!

The day was a great reminder of how blessed we are, and a reminder to not take things or people for granted.

Nov 29, 2013

October Weekends

Prescott: October 6th 2013

Pumpkin Patch October 19th 2013

These pictures are a few weeks late, but I had forgotten that they were on my camera until I picked it up today! I am so happy that I no longer work weekends and that I am able to explore with Brandon, visit my mom, and just relax on our two days off. We had a busy October, every weekend was filled to the brim; but I absolutely loved it, and have a feeling December will be the same way!

Have a beautiful weekend!

Nov 27, 2013

Our Engagement Story

Last year, after not keeping up with the blog like I had planned to, I did a quick recap of the year. This recap included our engagement, and besides mentioning that it happened on top of the Space Needle, I didn't go into much detail, like I had wanted to.

So lets start! Brandon and I had talked about marriage openly; we talked about how happy we were together, and how we wanted to see our life and love grow. Brandon had asked me about rings, what style I liked, and what size ring I wore. It was early in our relationship so I didn't take it too seriously, but appreciated him trying to gather the knowledge.

Brandon and I booked our first vacation and trip to Seattle in January of 2012. Brandon then started to get back in contact with high school friends to tell them about our trip, and planning to hopefully meet up while we were in town. One night Brandon had had a few too many and was on the front porch talking to his buddy; he started to get louder and louder, obviously talking about something exciting, and out of nowhere he yelled "Dude! I'm gonna do it on the Space Needle!!!!" I was sitting on the couch and didn't really know what to say...so I didn't say anything. He came in, and we continued to watch TV like it never happened (even though I was so excited!)

 So March came and we packed for Seattle, we had packed together, and I didn't see a ring box, or Brandon acting secretive so I told myself not to get my hopes up. (I had also gotten my nails painted black for the trip as a reminder to keep myself grounded.) Our trip was beautiful and amazing, I was anxious about the Space Needle for a number of reasons: elevators + heights + odd architecture = nervous me. Brandon had told me he wanted to go towards the end of our trip, and had made reservations for that Thursday.

Dressed up all fancy and ready for the night
On Thursday March 15th , Brandon and I rode the elevator up to the top of the Space Needle. We were pleased to have a window seat and sat in awe of the beautiful city. The night was absolutely perfect and it was only the beginning. After ordering our food Brandon started to act funny; he started looking around, looking in his lap, and rocking back and forth in his chair. Assuming he didn't have a ring I said "Do you have to go to the bathroom?" he shook his head and continued to look in his lap.


The next thing I knew he was down on one knee in front of me with a ring box open and he said "Will you marry me?" I stared at him in awe and said "Yes!" he looked at me and said again "Will you marry me?" I looked at him and shook my head yes, and he just stared at me. It seemed like we sat there forever because I ended up taking the ring from the box and putting it on my finger, and hugged him hard. He sat down, shook his head and said, "Did I put the ring on your finger?" I told him no, and he said "I think I blacked out, I was so nervous". We laughed after he had some water, and smiled at each other knowing that it was official.

The night of our engagement is one of my favorite memories. From the night he kind of spilled the beans, to the night where he was down on one knee. It was a night meant for us, and a night I will never forget. 3/15/12 <3

Nov 24, 2013

Thanksgiving Must Haves

Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday. I love the food, family, scents, memories...I just love everything about it! In honor of this wonderful holiday coming up later this week, I thought it would be a great time to share some items that I think would make the perfect addition to any Thanksgiving table this year!

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11

Nov 21, 2013

Happy Links

 'B' Hill! I took this picture last year when walking around Old Bisbee in December. (got to love those blue skies)
This week has been so busy/emotional/hectic/irritating/and overall sucky......I thought I'd share some happy links to keep things positive and not overwhelm you all with my personal pity party.

Minted has some absolutely amazing holiday cards, Brandon and I are having a hard time deciding which is our favorite! We love them all.

This video made me laugh, things like this make the world a better place.
This video made me laugh also, because it reminds me of one of my best girlfriends April. She is amazing, and would totally do something like this for me :)
Fun to dream about wedding venues: 31 Insanely Beautiful Colleges You Can Get Married At

The History of Rap always puts a smile on my face

Your twenties ranked from worst to best....

I hope these links provide some inspiration and laughs! I personally can't wait for Thanksgiving next week, I'm ready for the comfort food, and a day off with my man and family.  (also getting the house measured for new carpet next Friday: SCORE!) 

Nov 14, 2013



The picture is fitting because when my days are filled to the brim and I'm running low on sleep I have to keep reminding myself that I've got this!

Reading: No good books recently, but I have been reading some great material for my class; we just finished up Women's Rights, which is a topic that I really enjoy. I read The Feminine Mystique when I first met Brandon (he fell asleep when I read it to him), and after finishing this module for class, I'm thinking that I may read it again and see what I think now.

Listening To: I am currently interning for the Bisbee Mining Museum, my job as an intern is to listen to a set number of oral histories and transcribe them. The stories vary, some are about the mining, some are focused on ranching, or a childhood spend during the booming days. I am currently behind (considering I have 6 weeks of school left), but I have grown to love listening to each story, I've laughed, cried and shared shock with many stories. It's so interesting and beneficial to learn about the town/city you live in. In my opinion nothing beats having a little bit of knowledge and connection with the history of the town that you live in.

Watching: Dare I say: CABLE!!! Brandon and I finally joined the 21st century and got cable. Needless to say our overall productivity has plummeted. HGTV has always been a love of mine, but after living without it for nearly 3 years I have a newfound appreciation (read: obsession) for it! It sometimes bums me out that we are renting (because I have so many new ideas) but the shows are so amazing for easy ideas and fixes that make things totally different.

Eating/Drinking: Eating every piece of junk food I can get my hands on. With increased stress of the end of a semester and the holidays, I find myself drinking insane amounts of hot chocolate, and finding every reason not to cook. Making efforts to change that, but we'll see how the next 6 weeks plays out ;)

Getting Excited For: My mom is coming to visit this weekend and we already have a fun mother-daughter Friday night planned. I can't wait! :)

Nov 12, 2013

I'm Thankful For: Brandon

Every year when November comes around you see a change in the people around you. Suddenly the weather has cooled, and people have slowed down. People talk about what they are thankful for, and smile at the small joys in life.

I love November, mostly because I love this new found change. I love that people gather, to share food, and talk about things that are wonderful. It's not a time for wishing, or comparing. It's a time for sharing, and smiling.

This year I am feeling so thankful for so many things. I've decided that I want to take some time this month and really talk about what I am thankful for and why; starting with the love of my life.

Brandon and I have been together almost 3 years. Time truly flies when you are having fun! In the time that we have been together, we have experienced so much. I love to think of all the memories we have made, and how we have grown as a couple and as individuals. It excites me to think of all the things that lay ahead of us and the memories that we will make. Brandon continues to make me feel loved, and appreciated everyday. He tells me that I'm kind and that I'm smart, he tells me I look great when we run out to the store and I have no makeup on. He surprises me with flowers, my favorite tea, and cards that make me cry (tears of joy). He is there, and knows when I need him to just listen, and when I'm frustrated he knows when to say "I love you" or "Screw it/them, it isn't worth your time" His honesty and simple nature make him easy to love and even easier to appreciate.

Brandon makes me laugh every single day, several times a day. Whether it is a funny face he makes, or a voice that he does; it's always something new, and it never fails to make my day. I'm so thankful that Brandon isn't shy around me, and makes me laugh hard and smile so much that my cheeks hurt.

I love you Brandon, more than you'll ever know; and I'm thankful for you every day!

Nov 3, 2013

Rifle Paper Co Wishlist

I've known about Rifle Paper Co for some time now. I've drooled over the beautiful floral designs, bright colors, fun and original greeting cards; and even though I knew of the brand I had never taken the time to purchase anything (not sure why because the prices are amazing!).

That all changed after I was lucky enough to receive a $10 gift card to Frances Vintage for attending Pepperologie. I was thrilled to see that they carried the Rifle Paper Co brand and quickly picked up the lined paper notepad. I was so impressed with the quality that I took some time to go over the website, and it was like being a kid in a candy store! I had to resist not adding every item to my wish list, but I did decide to share my top 7. Can't wait to order these bad boys! Happy Shopping!

Wish list Items:

1. Synchronized Swimmers Print

2. Botanical Rose Iphone 4 Case

3. Floral Monogram Cards

4. Polka Dot Tin Recipe Box

5. Re-Fill Recipe Pack of 40

6. 2014 Travel America Calendar

7.  Jardin Weekly Desk Pad