Mar 30, 2014

Driving Home

Do you ever drive home and wonder how you got there? You were so deep in thought while you were driving, and now can't remember if you stopped at stop signs. Did you cut people off unknowingly? You have no idea, but you are safe and home. March was a busy month, and one where this seemed to happen more often than not. I've been thinking so much lately about everything, family, friends, people I've left, and the ones I'm bound to meet, my cats, the home I've left and where I find myself now. I've spent a good amount of time alone, and it has been both wonderful and awful. I've explored a little, and read a lot, I've doodled and typed, and tried to figure things out. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it will all work out, and that, every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.

Mar 25, 2014

15 Before the Next: Halfway There!

Holy Cow!! Time has gone by so quickly that I didn't realize I'm halfway to my 24th birthday and haven't really taken the time to look at my list!! Time for a recap!

1. Do a 3 day weekend somewhere we both have never been before-Brandon and I hit Salt Lake, but I'm looking forward to making a trip to a new city in the next few months.  
2. Buy a new car (doesn't have to be new, just new to me)  
3. Donate 12-15 inches of hair to Locks of Love- Hair is getting long, and I should be able to do this by summer time. 
4. Do the 100's at a 45 degree angle. 
5. Throw a dinner party-we threw a Superbowl party....does that count? Maybe when I get an apartment I'll throw a housewarming/welcome home kitties party   
6. Make beef bourguignon Julia Child style (a repeat from last year, because I want to do it!) 
7. Get my next tattoo- I've started looking at some drawings for the next one, just trying to decide where I want it.  
8. Apply for Grad School 
9. Go to Disneyland-no plans yet, but I'm really hoping this happens
10. Learn to French Braid my hair- Guess I should get on this before I chop it all off. I haven't learned french but I have been doing 'maiden braids' and they are pretty darn cute!  
11. Go to a movie (in the Theater) at least every six weeks-saw Frozen with April, but haven't seen anything since...any good movies coming out? 
12. Eat Sushi 12 times 
13. Volunteer at least one weekend every month
14. Attend blog conferences, take more pictures, and grow this blog-attended Alt in January, and am trying to post/take pictures more. 
15. Obtain full-time employment and get ahead-just got the news that I got a job up in my new area!! It isn't full time but I'm hoping it will become full time soon. 

Even though I haven't paid a lot of attention to this list recently, it's so exciting to be accountable for goals/dreams that are important to me! Self love and discovery are such beautiful things and should always be a priority. 

Mar 23, 2014


Reading: About half way through Labor Day, and hoping to finish it in the next few days. And I just picked up Where'd You Go, Bernadette? after reading some great reviews after featuring it in my Dreaming of Hawaii Outfit Inspiration

Listening To: Lots of Kelly Clarkson, Adele, and Katy Perry. Lots of girl power to get me through this funky time.

Watching: Just finished getting caught up on The Walking Dead, and am excited to watch it in real time with my mom and Jeff tonight.

Missing: I'm missing a lot of different things, but I have been thinking about my grandparents (pictured above), Mr Oskar and Miss Olivia a lot these past few days. I'm such an emotional person as it is, but being away from familiar people/animals/surroundings can take its toll.

Eating/Drinking: I tried out the Raven Cafe yesterday afternoon for the first time and was pleasantly surprised to find that they have a fantastic...dare I say the best!?... iced caramel latte. I will definitely be taking my mom back in the next week!

And finally, a link that made me laugh a lot harder than it should have, and for that reason deserves to be shared!

Mar 17, 2014

Spring is Coming

I just ordered this beautiful dress and wanted to put an outfit together to get me even more pumped about it arriving in the mail! I imagine going to a museum in it, or out by the square downtown. I love the clean silhouette and flattering color/stripes, it is so versatile and perfect for springtime!

Clockwise From Top Left: Dress, Sunglasses, Let the Great World Spin, Makeup Compact, BKR Waterbottle in Chip, Meow Phone Case, Tote Bag, Shoes

Mar 15, 2014

March 15th

Today is March 15th, and I had a lot of plans for today...

Today Brandon and I would have celebrated being engaged for two years
Today I was planning on posting our amazing engagement pictures
Today we would have reminisced about our first trip to Seattle...and would have probably planned another
Today we probably would have gone to Cafe Roka, and had a romantic dinner
Tonight I would have gone to bed happy and content


Today I'm trying to focus on the good that will come from this drastic change.
Today I'm eating a huge amount of junk food and drinking pre-made mudslides
Today I'm talking to friends who lift me higher than the clouds and who remind me of all the good in the world
Today I'm going to smile even if I'm hurting on the inside
Tonight I'm going to watch catching fire with my mom and Jeff...and I will go to bed happy and content

Tomorrow is a new day.

Mar 9, 2014

Letting Go

These past two weeks have been a whirlwind, and even though I knew they would go fast, I didn't expect to find myself here so soon.

Brandon and I decided to go our separate ways Valentine's Day weekend. It was one of the hardest decisions we've ever had to make as a couple, but one that we both agreed on...It's odd when breakups are mutual. Past relationships have allowed me to disassociate myself because I didn't want that person in my life, and knew I wouldn't see them again. With Brandon it's the exact opposite. I want him to do well, and to succeed and I hope to be in the loop and to be able to celebrate his successes with and for him, because we have celebrated so many successes as a couple.

Ever since I met Brandon he has wanted to move back to Seattle, and initially I had promised that after I was done with school we would move and start a new life. We vacationed there, and trip after trip he made me fall in love with the city; I even toured the University of Washington in hopes of being accepted to the Museology program. But in the end, I didn't end up keeping my promise, and have my reasons for not wanting to move to the Pacific Northwest. This hard realization came and although we tried to be honest, we danced around the topic for too long; and Brandon said that he needed to go.

Although I do not see myself in Seattle now, I didn't want Brandon to stay in Arizona and resent me for staying. I want him to go, I want him to be happy like he says he will be when he gets there. I want him to do the things he wants and to grow as an individual.

As for now, I have left our small town of Bisbee for an area with opportunities (and a Trader Joe's!) in hopes that I can start fresh and that we can both focus on what we need to focus on, to get where we want to get.

This time has revealed so many things that I have been thinking of for so long. I've been supported by so many wonderful people and have seen the true dark faces of a few. The decision to leave was not easy, but with each passing day I know that it was what needed to happen. I feel vulnerable and alone without my small family, I think about how 'perfect' my life was and how in less than a month things have changed....but time will reveal a brighter tomorrow. Oskar and Olive are with Brandon for now, I have some time before he leaves to get an apartment so that they can come be with me. I'm excited for the future, and for some personal discovery, I now have the opportunity to better myself in ways that I've always wanted and that is pretty darn exciting if you ask me!  

A final note: I was inspired by a fellow blogger who wrote daily about her entire first marriage and her eventual divorce, and was faced with questions of what her blog would become. Like her, I will not delete any pictures or posts of Brandon. The last three years are a part of my story and who I am, and I have no reason to hide them.