Dec 31, 2013

2013 The Year of the Walrus

Happy New Year's Eve friends! 2013 will be over in a few hours, and I am ready to embark on a fresh 2014. This year provided so many wonderful things and also reminded me to be humble and grateful for what I have. It's hard to prepare yourself for the hard days or weeks, but if I remember anything in 2014 it will be this "Everyday may not be good, but there is something good in everyday". I wanted to recap some amazing moments this year, because even with the hard times, it was a blessed year!

  • I graduated and gave a speech that was quoted in the paper, and had a picture of me and Dr. Citera submitted to the Bisbee paper! Woo-hoo! 
  • I stopped working weekends! 
  • I represented students at a tuition hearing and thanks to their amazing support and personal stories our small and humble campus was able to get out of paying an $80 fee that everyone else has to pay. The tuition was still increased but hey 80 bucks is pretty awesome for standing up and saying no to the increase
  • Brandon and I were blessed with amazing travels to San Diego with my mom and step-dad, Seattle and Seabrook with his family, Kartchner Caverns with Josh, a beautiful day trip to Patagonia and Sonoita for my birthday, two trips to see my mom, and a full day trip to Willcox for pumpkins and wine! 
  • Nova-Lynn our inherited niece was born and she is perfect in every way! 
  • We paid off a big bill, and should be 100% debt free by summer 2014 
  • Taylor, Lauren and Mariah all turned 21 and we haven't let St. Elmo's forget it!  
  • April provided weekly Starbucks runs, countless "it will be okay" texts, and kept me on budget when I tried to convince her that I really needed three new nail polishes. (April, I need them!) :) 
  • Our amazing friends Taylor and DJ got engaged <3
  • I was blessed to have been supported by my amazing girlfriends, who I feel I have grown closer to this year. I hope that this growth continues next year and that I finally get my butt up to Phoenix to visit Christina! ;) 
  • And finally Brandon reminded me that the one of best days of my life happened in 2013! I finally saw a WALRUS in person and it was seriously the best thing ever! (I keep thinking about doing a post to explain this....obsession. For now just understand that this is on the same level as meeting Gerard Butler) 

Thinking of these things remind me that with the hard times there is always so much good. I am so blessed to have such a loving family, an equally loving and patient fiance, and such caring (and fun) friends!!

Cheers to 2014 and the adventures that it will bring! 

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