Nov 12, 2011

our kittens

about a week after we got them. :) sleepy kittens

so before i start covering this blog with pictures of our kittens i feel as though i should tell you their story.
i have had their names picked out since i was a senior in highschool. Oskar (has to be spelled with a 'k') is from my all time favorite book "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" written by Jonathan Safran Foer. It is an incredible book and the main boys name is Oskar (with a 'k'). Olive got her name from one of my favorite movies "Little Miss Sunshine" the little girl who is the main character is named olive. i decided that no matter what those would be my kittens names.
about a month after brandon and i moved to bisbee we decided we wanted some company. we had already decided that we wanted two kittens rather than one so they could play with eachother. one saturday morning we headed to the farmers market and saw a booth for B.A.R. (border animal rescue) and we walked up. they had a special going on, two kittens for the price of one adoption fee. we started to look and i locked eyes with olive, a small grey kitten with a chin that is exactly cut down the middle making one side white and one side grey. she was so cute and had the sweetest meow. she started playing through the cage and i told brandon i had to have her. in the same cage as her were two orange kittens and brandon chose the one that was running around and being silly with us. they were eight weeks old that day and i traced their birthday back and they were born on earth day! makes me so proud!!
we brought them home and they did not like eachother. olive kept hissing at oskar, and we were nervous that they wouldn't get along. it seemed like it took forever for them to even sit next to eachother.
5 months later they are in love. they sleep together, play together, eat together, they literally won't go in different rooms without the other one. they are so much fun. on my ipod i have 700 pictures and almost 500 of them are just of these kittens (i'm a bit obsessed. my future children better be ready for me to have a camera glued to my hand)
ironically brandon chose oskar and i chose olive however oskar won't leave my side and olive is in love with brandon. when brandon comes home from work she follows him until he starts to pet her, he just barely touches her head and she is purring, it's so sweet to see. oskar won't let me get anything done without him being next to me, i've had to lock him in our bedroom several times just to get my homework done.
taken just now. so much bigger and still so sweet.

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