Nov 15, 2011

miss clumsy

today i woke up with a terrible headache because last night i hit my head on our bathroom cabinet and cut my forehead open :( i'm extremely clumsy. i swear that i was never this clumsy before i met brandon, or maybe i was and just never noticed. (brandon always points out my clumsyness) i trip all the time, drop things, but my specialty is spilling drinks in the car. it happens too often. and now my head. which of course got cut on the side i part my hair so i can't even hide this sucker. ugh.
on a different note having brandon there to soothe my tears and clean it up reminded me of how grateful i am for him. he is so caring and really does a good job at making me feel better.
i'm late on posting this picture, but on sunday brandon and i woke up nice and early and went to the top of castle rock. it's this huge (at least 20 stories tall) rock in the center of bisbee, once on top you can see all of bisbee in all directions. it's pretty amazing. we stayed up there, taking pictures and talking, we ended up having to leave because it started raining, but i could have stayed there all day!

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