Nov 21, 2011


can it be december 8th please? after that i will be a free woman, for 3 weeks until i start school again. don't get me wrong i love school, i'm just a little burned out. i'm ready for that nice degree that i've been busting my ass for.
on a different note, thanksgiving was absolutely wonderful. i'm sad to see this nice long weekend end. my mom was down, so we had a full house with everyone. it was the first time we have all been together in a long time, and it was fantastic. i love thanksgiving so much because there is little stress, no presents/no greedy people. just food and family. (two of my favorite things)
brandon and i put up our christmas decorations, and i'm in love. :)
today has been a nice reminder that brandon and i are have formed our own family, and will start our own traditions this year, not sure what they will be, but i know we will have some.

this is my new starbucks cup, and in my opinion it is the coolest one i've ever seen. it says falalalala over and over, and everytime i read it i can't help but sing it in my head ♥

olive drinking from the sink (her absolute favorite thing to do) and oskar getting in my face (his favorite thing to do) i'm so thankful for these kittens. they really do brighten my day. brandon and i got them some toys for thanksgiving (a black friday sale at petsmart) and they didn't know what to do with themselves, they couldn't decide which toy to play with. it was so funny. i love kittens, if it were up to me we would have more, but brandon is set on two...for now.

just thought i would share one of my favorite things in bisbee, it's right outside the post office and it's constantly updated with things going on in bisbee :) i love it, it's colorful, old, and just plain awesome. i read it everytime i pass it, even if there is nothing new

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