Nov 11, 2011


hello :)
i'm new to this, so i'll start with an introdution. i'm alexis, i'm studying history and anthropology at the university of arizona. i love thanksgiving, books, kittens, cooking and travel.
my blog is called "bisbee love" because i met an amazing guy named Brandon, fell in love, and we decided to move to bisbee. we have been living here for six months, and it has been an adventure everyday.
brandon is an absolute dream, he treats me like i'm a queen even when i'm moody and grumpy. he tells me i'm beautiful when i have no makeup on. he's smart and caring, and i'm so blessed to have him in my life.
I decided to do a blog to share our stories of living together, and our eventual family. Brandon and I are not married (yet) but we hope to get married and start a family when i'm done with school.
So many wonderful things have happened since i met brandon and since we moved to bisbee, and i am so excited to see what the future holds for us.
hope you enjoy!

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