Nov 21, 2011


can it be december 8th please? after that i will be a free woman, for 3 weeks until i start school again. don't get me wrong i love school, i'm just a little burned out. i'm ready for that nice degree that i've been busting my ass for.
on a different note, thanksgiving was absolutely wonderful. i'm sad to see this nice long weekend end. my mom was down, so we had a full house with everyone. it was the first time we have all been together in a long time, and it was fantastic. i love thanksgiving so much because there is little stress, no presents/no greedy people. just food and family. (two of my favorite things)
brandon and i put up our christmas decorations, and i'm in love. :)
today has been a nice reminder that brandon and i are have formed our own family, and will start our own traditions this year, not sure what they will be, but i know we will have some.

this is my new starbucks cup, and in my opinion it is the coolest one i've ever seen. it says falalalala over and over, and everytime i read it i can't help but sing it in my head ♥

olive drinking from the sink (her absolute favorite thing to do) and oskar getting in my face (his favorite thing to do) i'm so thankful for these kittens. they really do brighten my day. brandon and i got them some toys for thanksgiving (a black friday sale at petsmart) and they didn't know what to do with themselves, they couldn't decide which toy to play with. it was so funny. i love kittens, if it were up to me we would have more, but brandon is set on two...for now.

just thought i would share one of my favorite things in bisbee, it's right outside the post office and it's constantly updated with things going on in bisbee :) i love it, it's colorful, old, and just plain awesome. i read it everytime i pass it, even if there is nothing new

Nov 17, 2011


so today i slept in, ate cake, watched sappy movies and did nothing. it was kind of one of those days. then brandon came home and i had a mini melt down about money and life. he is familiar with these, and like all other pains, he handles them like a champ. he works full time and i go to school full time; i'm trying to finish my school as fast as i can because brandon and i want to move back to washington (where he is from) i feel bad when i stress about money but i can't help it, moving in together was such an adjustment for money and that was when i had a job. now since it's just school for me i feel like i have a "money meltdown" almost every month.
so i'm going job hunting tomorrow. i have a few places in mind so we will see how it goes. i've also got a big ethnography due in a few weeks so i'm going to the coffee shop tomorrow to do some people watching, and to have a good cup of joe. (or maybe two if i'm there long enough!)
no pictures today.

Nov 15, 2011

miss clumsy

today i woke up with a terrible headache because last night i hit my head on our bathroom cabinet and cut my forehead open :( i'm extremely clumsy. i swear that i was never this clumsy before i met brandon, or maybe i was and just never noticed. (brandon always points out my clumsyness) i trip all the time, drop things, but my specialty is spilling drinks in the car. it happens too often. and now my head. which of course got cut on the side i part my hair so i can't even hide this sucker. ugh.
on a different note having brandon there to soothe my tears and clean it up reminded me of how grateful i am for him. he is so caring and really does a good job at making me feel better.
i'm late on posting this picture, but on sunday brandon and i woke up nice and early and went to the top of castle rock. it's this huge (at least 20 stories tall) rock in the center of bisbee, once on top you can see all of bisbee in all directions. it's pretty amazing. we stayed up there, taking pictures and talking, we ended up having to leave because it started raining, but i could have stayed there all day!

Nov 12, 2011

our kittens

about a week after we got them. :) sleepy kittens

so before i start covering this blog with pictures of our kittens i feel as though i should tell you their story.
i have had their names picked out since i was a senior in highschool. Oskar (has to be spelled with a 'k') is from my all time favorite book "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" written by Jonathan Safran Foer. It is an incredible book and the main boys name is Oskar (with a 'k'). Olive got her name from one of my favorite movies "Little Miss Sunshine" the little girl who is the main character is named olive. i decided that no matter what those would be my kittens names.
about a month after brandon and i moved to bisbee we decided we wanted some company. we had already decided that we wanted two kittens rather than one so they could play with eachother. one saturday morning we headed to the farmers market and saw a booth for B.A.R. (border animal rescue) and we walked up. they had a special going on, two kittens for the price of one adoption fee. we started to look and i locked eyes with olive, a small grey kitten with a chin that is exactly cut down the middle making one side white and one side grey. she was so cute and had the sweetest meow. she started playing through the cage and i told brandon i had to have her. in the same cage as her were two orange kittens and brandon chose the one that was running around and being silly with us. they were eight weeks old that day and i traced their birthday back and they were born on earth day! makes me so proud!!
we brought them home and they did not like eachother. olive kept hissing at oskar, and we were nervous that they wouldn't get along. it seemed like it took forever for them to even sit next to eachother.
5 months later they are in love. they sleep together, play together, eat together, they literally won't go in different rooms without the other one. they are so much fun. on my ipod i have 700 pictures and almost 500 of them are just of these kittens (i'm a bit obsessed. my future children better be ready for me to have a camera glued to my hand)
ironically brandon chose oskar and i chose olive however oskar won't leave my side and olive is in love with brandon. when brandon comes home from work she follows him until he starts to pet her, he just barely touches her head and she is purring, it's so sweet to see. oskar won't let me get anything done without him being next to me, i've had to lock him in our bedroom several times just to get my homework done.
taken just now. so much bigger and still so sweet.

a perfect saturday.

today was such a wonderful saturday. brandon and i were able to sleep in and woke up to the sounds of oskar meowing in the living room because he was hungry. we don't let the kittens sleep with us because brandon is a light sleeper and can hear everything that they do, so needless to say they are happy to see us in the morning :) after we fed the kittens we decided to clean up the house and organize. oddly enough it's our favorite thing to do saturday mornings; we like to get it out of the way so we can enjoy the rest of the day and weekend.
after cleaning we watched netflix which is absolutely amazing if you didn't already know!! we signed up for a free trial and we have been taking full advantage of it. our current obsession is "man v. food"
i left brandon at 2 to go have lunch with my good friend Kaitlin. It was the best time i've had with a girlfriend in so long. she lives in tucson which is 2 hours away so i cherish the time we do get to spend together. we had lunch at Cafe Cornucopia which was fantastic. after that we walked around downtown, it was a typical november day, overcast and cold which is my favorite
after girl time i came home to brandon, we had dinner and are watching more netflix as i write this.
today was perfection to say the least. i'm so blessed!

Nov 11, 2011

introduction pictures

Oskar and Olive. i love them with all my heart. i've had their names picked out since i was a senior in high school. they light up my day.

:) brandon. this was on my twenty-first birthday


hello :)
i'm new to this, so i'll start with an introdution. i'm alexis, i'm studying history and anthropology at the university of arizona. i love thanksgiving, books, kittens, cooking and travel.
my blog is called "bisbee love" because i met an amazing guy named Brandon, fell in love, and we decided to move to bisbee. we have been living here for six months, and it has been an adventure everyday.
brandon is an absolute dream, he treats me like i'm a queen even when i'm moody and grumpy. he tells me i'm beautiful when i have no makeup on. he's smart and caring, and i'm so blessed to have him in my life.
I decided to do a blog to share our stories of living together, and our eventual family. Brandon and I are not married (yet) but we hope to get married and start a family when i'm done with school.
So many wonderful things have happened since i met brandon and since we moved to bisbee, and i am so excited to see what the future holds for us.
hope you enjoy!