Jun 27, 2013

San Diego

This past weekend Brandon and I took a trip to San Diego with my Mom and stepdad Jeff. The trip was relaxing and just what we needed. We left at 2am Thursday morning and arrived in San Diego eager to explore. We hit up Seaport Village (my favorite), Seaport Village has a ton of little shops and places to eat and is really fun to walk around. The next day we went on the S.E.A.L tour which was great, and then we rode the trolley around to see the rest of San Diego. Finally on Saturday we went to Balboa Park to go to the Automobile Museum, The Natural History Museum, and the Museum of Photographic Art. We hit Coronado Island on Thursday and Saturday and let me tell you, relaxing on the beach was just what the dr. ordered.

Some pictures from our trip (we didn't take nearly as many pictures as we hoped, but that may be a good thing because we were too busy relaxing.)

The SEAL tour bus!
me and my mom ready for the tour
Sea Lions! (although the tour is named the 'seal' tour we really go by sea lions. weird I know)
Balboa Park
Natural History Museum

Jeff, my mom, and me posing in the skull exhibit. (jeff never takes a serious picture)
The trip was awesome and we can't wait to go back. Next time we will take more pictures

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