Jun 16, 2013

23 Before 23

I'm a huge fan of the blog Anne the Adventurer. Anne writes beautifully, and when you read her blog posts you feel as though you have been friends for years.

After reading her post on 23 Before 24 I was inspired to challenge myself in the same way that she did. I wanted to make my 22nd year memorable, and filled with things that I knew I wanted and needed for myself.

I turn 23 in September and have made good progress on my list so far, and I am excited for the last three months I have to finish my goals.

23 Before 23:

1. San Diego Trip (We leave on Wednesday for a quick weekend trip)
2. Eat Sushi 12+ times (Two down, Ten more to go)
3. Go to 12 Yoga Classes (Zero down, Twelve to go)
4. Write more handwritten letters to friends (getting better, I just finished thank you cards from Graduation)
5. Save up $2,000
6. Recruit 10-15 Student Council Members
7. Buy a pair of heels and walk in them comfortably
8. Get 4 massages (One down, Three to go)
9. Do NOT cut hair, trims only (I should explain, every time my hair gets to the length it is now, I get fed up with it and cut it into a bob, I am forcing myself to live with it and learn to love it)
10. Make beef bourguignon Julia Child Style (Julie and Julia is one of my favorite movies, if you haven't seen it, go watch it now!)
11. Tucson Trip with April
12. Ikea Trip
13. DIY Corkboard for office (Anne the Adventurer did one and it is amazing)
14. Read 6 personal choice books (Reading Dancer by Colum McCann now, not sure what is next)
15. Drink cocktails in my fancy red dress (taking that bad boy to San Diego to cross this off my list)
16. Send out birthday cards-on time! (So far so good!)
17. Purchase a fuel efficient vehicle (this probably won't happen until after Christmas, but hey a girl can hope)
18. Graduate with Honors (we will see come December)
19. Walk on treadmill 3 times a week (ehhh 3 was hopeful, I do walk/jog on it at least once a week, but Brandon and I have been walking around our neighborhood almost every night (which is more fun than walking on a treadmill in my opinion). We have decided we are going to do the Bisbee 1000)
20. Style hair more, work on curling techniques
21. Shred unnecessary papers once a week
22. Create a cleaning checklist and stick to it
23. Get my passport (I need to get on this asap!)

This list has been so fun, I have it hanging on my fridge as a reminder of the goals I want for myself.

I can't wait to share more as I cross things off my list, and see if I can get all 23 done before September 24th!

Thanks for reading!

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