Sep 29, 2013

23 before 23: A wrap up

Before I go into my 23 before 23 I just can't get over how amazing my little corner of the internet looks!!! The process wrapped up on Friday and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. After going back and forth with Jenny Highsmith, she created a design that is 100% me, and so much more fun than the baby blue I had before. Everything from the colors used to the polka dots are things that I love and things that make my space more unique. I never imagined it being that easy, and this rewarding, thank you Jenny!! This little change has pumped me up for posts and for the upcoming Pepperologie, and Alt Summit I will be attending in the coming months. It's so much easier to share this blog with others when my space is something I also enjoy looking at.

Now for my wrap up; this 22nd year has brought me so much joy, and has provided me with challenges I willingly put myself through (this list) and others that have made me so much stronger than I ever thought I could be. This was a successful year for my list, and I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for me!

A wrap up of my list and how it went.
1. San Diego Trip
2. Eat Sushi 12+ times August = sushi two times a week, so I definitely achieved this!
3. Go to 12 Yoga Classes: I started going to Pilates (which I enjoy so much more than yoga) and have gone about 8 times
4. Write more handwritten letters to friends: Semi-achieved...would still love to do this more
5. Save up $2,000
6. Recruit 10-15 Student Council Members
7. Buy a pair of heels and walk in them comfortably: nope, I'm coming to terms with the fact that I may never wear heels. And I'm ok with that.
8. Get 4 massages: only got one this year...massages are expensive.
9. Do NOT cut hair, trims only: DID IT!!! My hair is long and healthy and I'm happy <3
10. Make beef bourguignon Julia Child Style: Not yet, but I will do this...someday
11. Tucson Trip with April
12. Ikea Trip
13. DIY Corkboard for office (Anne the Adventurer did one and it is amazing)
14. Read 6 personal choice books: Not 6 but I did read Room and The Fault in Our Stars, and a ton of great history books
15. Drink cocktails in my fancy red dress. Did this at Cafe Roka and it was awesome!
16. Send out birthday cards-on time! Going Strong!! :) Still have some left for the year
17. Purchase a fuel efficient vehicle: Didn't happen, but we are getting closer each day
18. Graduate with Honors: we shall see!
19. Walk on treadmill 3 times a week: Didn't happen, but walks did, and so did Pilates, and that is progress!
20. Style hair more, work on curling techniques
21. Shred unnecessary papers once a week
22. Create a cleaning checklist and stick to it
23. Get my passport: That's the b-day present from my grandparents! <3

I love this feeling of accomplishment, and accountability; now to start the next list!


  1. So happy you love your new space!! :D It was so wonderful working with you!

  2. happy birthday, and great blog! the list is a good idea :)

