Oct 15, 2014

Currently: Pumpkins and Gone Girl

follow along at @alexisandher on instagram 

The weather has officially started to cool off and I'm loving my first fall outside of southern Arizona. The leaves are changing and I'm starting to bust out long sleeved tops and cardigans and can't wait for some scarves and beanies. My favorite season will always be summer, but a close second is definitely fall. I love the candles at bath and body works: leaves and pumpkin pecan waffles (seriously go buy them now). Pumpkins are finally everywhere, all over grocery stores, instagram and in our drinks. It's a wonderful feeling, even though I'm not that big of a fan of the flavor and can't wait for the more exciting flavor for winter: peppermint. Gone girl tickets!!! For more on that see below. Denver Microbrew Tour Tickets that arrived in the mail a few days ago. I leave for Denver on Saturday for a quick girls trip with Christina and Priscilla. I plan on taking my heavy duty camera for some pictures, and am excited for a getaway that will require only shopping, sight seeing, and drinking some beer. Lastly, a selfie with my new haircut and yes I'm aware you can't see the cut, but it has layers and holds curls and I'm a happy girl.

Now for some Gone Girl talk

When I finished the book this summer I immediately wanted to gush about the entire book to everyone I knew and anyone who was curious about it. The book is SO good, but so hard to describe because there are so many small details that are so important. Well as we all know the movie came out two weeks ago and I waited to write a review so I could do a book/movie combo. First off, I thought that the casting was perfect. I can't think of anyone else who would have fit better or anyone that I was upset to see. I was really happy they went with Rosamund Pike over other choices. I don't know who was in the running but from Google images it looks like Reese Witherspoon was a hot pick and I'm so thankful it wasn't her. Ben Affleck is great for the "has always had it easy handsome, clueless husband" and other supporting roles were on point.

I was surprised by how well the movie followed the book. People often complain that there are so many differences but I didn't feel that that was the case with Gone Girl. Although that is not to say that portions or characters weren't missing, I just didn't think it was an issue come movie time. Ah! And now that's all that I feel I can say, too many details and so much to love. I have now seen it twice, once with my mom who read the book and once with a friend who hadn't and it was great both times. I obviously caught more details the second time, and only left the theater thinking how great it was. If you're looking for a great read or a great movie, pick this bad boy up!

Oct 2, 2014

Twenty Four

I didn't think it would feel different to celebrate my birthday this year...I guess I shouldn't say that. I knew it would be different, I would be alone, or at least I thought I would. For the few days before and after my birthday I was surrounded by my wonderful family, co-workers and friends. I was reminded that I am definitely NOT alone, and that there are so many people that care about me. It started with lots of early morning phone calls and texts, two beautiful flower deliveries at work (making it so much easier to work on my birthday), cupcakes and food provided by co-workers, dinner with my mom and step-dad, and ending with one of my favorite weekends so far in Tempe with the girls above; who treated me to dancing, drinks, makeup, cat poem books, chocolate covered cheesecake and the best bundt cake money can buy (do these girls know me or what?)

If this birthday is a taste of what my 24th year is going to be...I may never want it to end!!