Aug 16, 2013

two steps forward

In the last two days I've made two huge decisions that will take my little corner of the internet to the next level. I'm no wizard when it comes to design or coding, so I decided that if I wanted people to feel welcome, and stay a while to read my posts I needed a new look/design and layout. My basic blue, with the peace wall is great, but I'm looking for something a little more detailed, and something a lot more 'me'. I decided to contact Maiedae, I've read Jenny Highsmith's blog for some time now and have always loved her simple but beautiful designs. I'm excited to work with Maiedae and see what they can do for my space!

The second step was taken today on a complete whim. Like I've mentioned before I'm a fan of the blog Anne the Adventurer and in addition to reading her blog I also follow Anne on instagram. Yesterday Anne posted a picture of the state of Utah with a plane flying towards it. She said she registered for Alt Slc (Salt Lake City) in January, and I was immediately curious as to what this was. I am semi-familiar with Alt, and what they offer; I watched Maiedae head to their New York conference a few months ago and it looked like an amazing experience.

So after seeing that last night I was so excited that Alt was having a conference on the West coast, and that it was something I could potentially go to. I went to work today and I couldn't get it out of mind! I called Brandon and kept telling him all the great things that it would offer me. After several phone calls to him, and some small research/final justification I purchased my ticket for Alt Slc and I couldn't be more excited.

I then posted the same picture on my instagram and the support/responses have been fantastic! I can't wait to meet so many inspirational people and see the beautiful city of Salt Lake for my first time. I can only image what I will learn and take away from this experience!

Is it January yet!?!

Aug 8, 2013

Seattle: The Second Time Around

The word Seattle makes my heart skip a beat; the city provided the most spectacular engagement last year, and my heart has yearned to go back since. Brandon and I recently spent a week in the Northwest, and this trip was more than I expected, and could have asked for.
Our time was spent with family, and friends, and the days were so packed that we didn't sleep much the whole time. (the sun also doesn't go down until after 9:30pm, and this proved to be a hard adjustment. if the sun is up, so are we)
The first day there was spent with family, catching up, shopping for the reunion. The second day was spent in Seattle, Brandon and I went to the Space Needle for brunch to celebrate our anniversary. The food was insane and the views were amazing. This trip up to the top was better for both of us this year; I wasn't as scared as I was last year, and Brandon didn't have to worry about proposing! :)


 I had French toast with Nutella cream, it was fantastic, but...
 Brandon had the crab eggs benedict and it was TO DIE FOR. Seriously the best meal EVER.
 After breakfast we met up with Anne, and hit Pike Place.
 We saw the gum wall for the first time.
(Really disgusting, but hey it's a tourist attraction, now we can say we have seen it!)
The next day was the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma.
The Point Defiance Zoo is the most beautiful Zoo I have ever been to, the green landscape and well maintained exhibits made the trip totally worth it. I was also able to see a WALRUS, which was a major to-do on my bucket list.



 Belly up! Watching the animals interact with trainers was so special!

Next we went to the Rose Garden that is attached to the Zoo, it was so warm and green, we could have stayed there all day!

 Lunch at the Ram on the waterfront
The next day we went to the University of Washington in Seattle so I could tour the Museology Masters Program. The campus was so beautiful and the program sounded like something that I would love and would fit right in to.

 Our tour guide Andrea
 George Washington Statue

 Me in the graduate library, also known as the "Harry Potter Library"

 Brandon having fun with the UW mascot

After 4 amazing days in Sumner, Seattle, and Tacoma, we headed out to Seabrook, Washington for the Hughes Family Reunion.
 In Aberdeen (home of Kurt Cobain) we drove past a Star Wars shop and had to stop.

The owner of the store had a tattoo of Carrie Fisher, he then met her a few years later, she autographed his arm, and he then had that tattooed on his arm. :) we loved it!

The owner showing off his ink with Brandon and Noah 

 Finally!! We arrived in Seabrook to a much colder climate and a breeze from the ocean (which was right across the street)

Brandon, Josh, and Noah 

 Brandon and Luke, his youngest nephew
 Brandon and his beautiful mother

So happy to have time with Lynn, she is such a wonderful woman, and mother.

We went to Ocean Shores and wrote notes in the sand

Anne and I in front of the pool

Such a wonderful day with Brandon and his family

A map of Seabrook

Stairs to the beach

Brandon and his parents

The trip was insanely beautiful, peaceful, and full of love. I'm so blessed to have a wonderful man, and his wonderful family in my life!