Nov 30, 2012

a recap

A recap of our last year to bring us up to speed:
 an engagement
  at the top of this beauty!! (I was so nervous on the elevator ride up)
 a trip to the windy city in June 

I can't wait to go back! 

The summer was filled with work and school and our lives have been consumed by these things ever since. 
Our babies have continued to grow, and although we contemplate adding another, we are so happy with our little family 
We had a blessed thanksgiving spent with my family and are looking forward to Christmas. 
I'm happy to be back in the blogging community and plan on posting regularly to keep me sane! 
Talk to you soon

Jan 20, 2012

me oh my

well it has been a long time hasn't it? too long infact. it's already the middle of january. well i survived finals thank goodness, december really flew by for me and i was just happy to sleep, so i'm sorry for my absense.
updates...well school started and i'm happy for that, i'm really ready to jump back into the books and get my life going again. December was filled with family, papers, and children. We spent christmas with brandons family and it was a full house with 5 kids and 8 adults. brandons brother, neice and dad were able to come down here to bisbee and spend a few days which was nice. i was the official tour guide because brandon had to work for most of their visit. it was a great christmas, and the highlight for me was brandon telling me it was his best christmas ever.
that really meant a lot to me!
oskar and olive are growing and have really been sleepy since the cold started, it seems like all they do is sleep, but they are sleeping with us now which is awesome, i love waking up to a kitten purring in my face :)
our most exciting update is that we are going to SEATTLE in march!!!! i booked the tickets a few days ago and i'm so excited to leave, i feel like i'm in a dream!

pictures from break: actually the worst news from the break was that i dropped my ipod (basically my camera) and cracked the screen, i was able to get a new one because i had a warranty, but i lost almost half the pictures, and all the ones from christmas and new years. :(
guess i better start making some more memories!